
Strangers In A Barn

To be honest, I noticed him for the first time three weeks ago, when he walked in with his Lord Swoledemort workout tank. I had just looked up from my phone after ending an awkward text conversation I didn’t want to be having. I remember as watched him I had smiled, something I hadn’t done in […]


sullying love’s good name 

I will not be your side-attraction pulled out for just a day or maybe two. I will neither put a face to your dirtiest fantasies nor reign in your raging lusts; tame them to a whisper, only to then be stuffed back into the dense darkness to fight for breathing space with the skeletons in […]


Beyond a Listening Ear

I listened as you spoke of how happy she made you, momentarily distracted by my thoughts
 of how she effortlessly delivered to you, everything that I had always struggled to conjure.


Protected: Everything That Holds Me Back

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